Daily Prompt: Judgment Day

If you were to judge your favorite book by its cover, would you still read it?

Most definitely, yes! Haha! Did that sound redundant? 🙂 Well, for emphasis. ^^My favorite book of all time is the Bible.  My current Bible was given to me as a gift during my college graduation in 2005 and I still have it until now.  The cover has been torn and it doesn’t look anymore.  I know I should be covering it but I haven’t just gotten the chance to do so.  The pages are already torn, too.  This Bible has saved me from a lot of worries and fears.  I can’t imagine a life without God’s words.  I am truly grateful that God inspired people to write His words for us to know more about His love for us.

Just wait for the photo, it’s in my phone.  Coming!^^

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