Living Life to the Fullest

I chose to live my life today as careful yet content as I should. I did my job to the best of my ability. I mingled with colleagues at work during lunch time. Of all the days we had worked at school together this year, today was the first time most of us chose to enjoy our lunch with our colleagues’ company at the square lunch table.  It actually felt  good sharing that precious time with them. We normally getI  caught up with our own goals for the day that we deprive ourselves of simple joys in life such as a good fellowship lunch with people we work with every day.  I was also able to pick up my laundry and other stuff from our foster parents’ home. Then I had the privilege of going for a walk at the nearby park for more than an hour with old friends/flatmates–all three of us living in above/under each other’s roofs. It was fun! I missed their company. We also had dinner together–courtesy of Ate Yzel (one of the girls who went to Australian over the holidays). She  prepared an Australian dinner similar to burritos but with Quinoa seeds. It was tasty and so filling! After the sumptuous dinner, I picked up my cello anf played a few hymns. Oh, how terrible I sounded. I guess somebody has to start making time for that ginormous musical instrument again. 😉 I also finished  The Little Prince and it was a bit sad and depressing. ;( I feel bad for the going of that prince. But I learned important lessons from it. We have to look with out hearts and not only with our eyes. 😉

Anyway, it’s past ten p.m. now. I’m trying to start a routine that involves going to bed earlier than the usual and going to work earlier than I normally do. So, it’s a good night.

I truly praise God for the beautiful day He gave me today and for the wisdom to make sound decisions.

Ooopps, would you like to see my bucket list for the year?


I’m constructing this to maximize my remaining time here in Thailand since I am planning on relocating soon if God wills. 😉 How about you? What’s on your list? If you don’t have that list yet, start making one for life is a gift. We ought to enjoy it. God wants us to be happy and live life to the fullest.

God bless!